How much a flight price represent in the European Salary in 2022?

How much a flight price represent in the European Salary in 2022?

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Why are the flight prices so cheap in Europe?

It would be better to say ACCESSIBLE. Yes, the prices of airline tickets in Europe are much more affordable in Europe compared to other regions of the world. This is mainly due to the geographical factor, where all countries are very close to each other, where we have in comparison USA and Brazil, huge countries, where you travel a long distance and you are still in the same country.

The most interesting factor is the relationship between flight price in Europe and the average worker’s salary in each country. An average European worker needs to work less to have access to flights and travel compared to a worker in Africa, Asia and South America. We did a quick survey to find out what the relationship is between salary and flight price in Europe to the most popular places.

How does the price of flights affect the european happiness?

We know that culturally European people have a lifestyle more focused on travelling, having fun, enjoying life and new discoveries. Unlike other continents, you won’t see a modern European (20y +) looking to work to accumulate goods and wealth. Due to this lifestyle, the price of travel does affect the happiness of the average European population, and this lifestyle is directly linked to the sense of personal fulfillment of the population. One fact is: Europeans are used to travel from an early age, so this lifestyle is directly linked to the price of flights, and consequently, to the personal fulfillment of each one.

How much a flight represent in the European Salary?

Comparison between Salary per country and average cost of fly. Research based in the average salary of some countries in Europe and what is the relation with flight prices:

CountryAverage Salary(€)Flight fromPrice 31/01/2022Salary/Price
Portugal750Lisbon→Berlin€ 39,5218,98
Spain€ 1.800Madrid→Lisbon€ 40,9443,97
France€ 3.000Paris→Lisbon€ 31,7894,40
Germany€ 2.300Berlin→Lisbon€ 51,1244,99
Switzerland€ 6.000Zurich→Lisbon€ 116,9751,30
Luxembourg€ 2.300Luxembourg→Lisbon€ 33,4368,80
Italy€ 1.800Rome→Lisbon€ 26,1368,89
Netherlands€ 2.600Amsterdam→Lisbon€ 94,9327,39
Austria€ 2.300Vienna→Lisbon€ 44,8051,34
Denmark€ 3.500Copenhagen→Lisbon€ 58,8959,43
Sweden€ 2.700Stockholm→Lisbon€ 71,7637,63
Belgium€ 2.500Brussels→Lisbon€ 50,5549,46
Poland€ 1.100Warsaw→Lisbon€ 44,9824,46
Ireland€ 2.600Dublin→Lisbon€ 65,6839,59
Norway€ 3.500Oslo→Lisbon€ 101,4134,51
Greece€ 780Athens→Lisbon€ 60,8112,83
Finland€ 2.600Helsinki→Lisbon€ 56,9645,65

According to the research above, we can see how much a European worker needs to pay to take a flight within Europe (we targeted most popular places). It is worth noting that this price research was done on and is subject to variables.

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Will flight prices in Europe go down in 2022?

This will basically depend on two factors

  • The resumption of tourism and business travel (demand for flights);
  • Travel bans and restrictions imposed by governments.

One thing we know, the restrictions and control measures remain in the medium and long term. The reason for the drop in passenger numbers was the continuing fear of a virus that not much information is yet available (this certainly leaves everyone with a certain fear).

So, for ticket prices to get cheaper will depend directly on the improvement of Covid-19 cases, because then the protective measures will be sent down and the possibility to travel will be easier.

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