
List of immigrant friendly countries in Europe in 2023

List of immigrant friendly countries in Europe in 2023

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Due to the global crisis, many people seek to immigrate to a developed country in search of job opportunities, professional growth, aiming for a career. For this, many people seek to immigrate to countries in Europe or North America.
Immigration to European countries has become increasingly popular, especially in more oppened countries to this type of workforce, opening space for many people looking for an opportunity in exchange for work.

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Considering rules, regulation, favourable conditions and encouragement of immigration, the most immigrant-friendly European countries are:

Ps: For more information on what is required to obtain citizenship in another country, go to your respective consulate.


Friendly or not, what brings somebody to leave your country, house and family to explore another land? Okay, most of the people leave your own country aiming to reach financial success, trying to conquer a better life even to yourself or your family. Many others leaves their own country for studies, to improve professionally, to feel in the skin new and unique experiences.

2023 is a year of many twists and turns in the European landscape and many people are looking to know which are the best countries in Europe to immigrate to.



Portugal is by far the most sought after option by people from all over the world, especially by countries like Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Principe, because it has many bilateral agreements that facilitate the integration of people from outside the European Union.
According to Portugal’s National Institute of Statistics, by 2021, about 542,165 people of foreign nationality will reside in the country, about 5.2% of the country’s population. With 5 years as a resident in Portugal you are already eligible to apply for Portuguese citizenship. This is a big factor that leads people to choose Portugal, an “open door” to the rest of Europe.


Germany – Heidelberger Altstadt

Secondly, I think that Germany is a country “open” to immigrants. I myself have a Brazilian friend who lives there even though he is not a European citizen. He applied for the “work-holiday visa”, which is a visa that allows you to live and work in the country for 1 year. He works in a bar and lives quietly in Germany. This type of visa allows you to stay for only 1 year, but as we know, you can start studying or some company may like your work and want to invest in you by requesting a work visa. Immigrants thus accounted for 17.3% of the population in Germany. This is reported by the Federal Statistical Office. For issues and questions about Visa in Germany you can check it here!

A German “green card” to attract foreign labor.
With a new card, Germany wants to facilitate the entry of non-European workers, even if they don’t have a job offer yet. The worrying shortage of professionals is already having an effect on the economy.

The German government wants to launch its own “green card” to try to fill the huge labor shortage in the country.

shortage of labor in the country. Industrial associations have been complaining for some time about the lack of skilled workers, and the Ministry of Labor suggests that the shortage is slowing down economic growth.

The Federation of German Employers’ Associations of the Metal and Electrical Industry, Gesamtmetall, says that two out of five companies in the sector are hampered in their production by a lack of workers. The German Confederation of Craftsmen (ZDH) says the country lacks about 250,000 qualified professionals.”

Deutsche Welle


For those already in Europe, by far Luxembourg is a great country for those looking for higher salaries. Did you know that the largest Portuguese community outside Portugal is in Luxembourg? According to François Peltier, head of the Population and Housing Unit of STATEC Luxembourg, there are about 93,678 Portuguese living in the country.

Luxembourg is a big draw for those who have some French/English skills and are looking for higher paying jobs. Luxembourg is one of the countries with the highest minimum wage in Europe, almost tied with Switzerland.


Europe has a high number of immigrants. A great example of this is the European Union which, with 447.3 million inhabitants, has 5.1% of its population as citizens of third countries, i.e. 23 million citizens, and 8.3% of the total population of people who were born outside the EU, equivalent to 37 million people.

Below is the list of Immigration by Country 2023.

CountriesImmigration by country (% of population)
United Kingdom13.8%
Comparing to United States which has arond 15,28% of immigrant population, Switzerland, Sweden and even Germany has way more percentage of their population as immigrants.

Note: note that even though some countries have a high percentage of immigrants, they are not on the list of the most immigrant-friendly countries due to some conditions such as difficulty of immigration, as is the case of Luxembourg, and not being so open with foreigners, such as France.


  • Denmark

Denmark is considered one of the happiest countries in the world, and its citizens have a high standard of living, with policies aimed at economic and gender equality, as well as an extremely developed social welfare system.

In addition to being an excellent and safe destination, the country covers policies for immigrants such as addressing cultural and religious differences, job offers and concern for the education of engineers.

  • Portugal

Portugal strongly encourages the coming of foreigners, mainly to fill the need for labour. Besides, it has many opportunities for social and cultural integration in order to welcome immigrants.

It also boasts excellent economic development and quality of life, as well as a favourable climate.

  • Spain

Spain offers similar opportunities to Portugal, making it a very popular destination for immigration.

There are several opportunities to move permanently to the region, even having freelance visas (very much in demand in Europe today, see more in demanded freelance jobs in Europe for 2023?)

  • United Kingdom

The UK has one of the most developed economies in Europe, generating numerous opportunities for employment, self-employment and start-ups.

One advantage is the absence of language barriers, which facilitates cultural adaptation.

  • Finland

At the top of the report of happiest countries in the world, Finland is one of the best destinations for immigration. The country aims at a balance between personal and professional life, prioritising the safety and health of the population.

With a great sense of community among its citizens, the territory is very welcoming to foreigners.

  • Iceland

Iceland has one of the best health and education systems and great economic development. With a valid visa, you are able to move to Iceland.

  • Ireland

Offering benefits equally to other countries, such as economy and quality of life, Ireland is a great destination, with the advantage of language not being a barrier to integration. There is yet another facilitation for entry into the country: descent. Many Americans can qualify for Irish citizenship because they have ancestors who were once Irish citizens.

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  • Sweden

The main reason Sweden is one of the best European countries to immigrate to is the field of work, being quite popular for immigrants for both workers and employers.

In addition to investors and workers, the visa includes students and family members.

  • Switzerland

Switzerland is among the countries with the best quality of life. There are opportunities, especially for exchange students, to learn other languages, after all the country has French, German, Italian and Romansh as its national languages. The immigration process for Switzerland is easy for europeans but a little hard for non-europeans.

  • Germany

With one of the strongest economies in the world, Germany has the lowest level of unemployment and a low cost of living. It is one of, if not the biggest, encourager to foreigners. It has several possible routes for immigration, making it one of the most accessible countries. Germany also has a kind of ‘green card’ for skilled workers. Yes, Germany is an open country and receives many immigrants to fill the shortage of professionals.


Generally speaking, the standard of living for immigrants is high or acceptable in the countries listed. It is no coincidence that most of them are also the countries with the best quality of life (in case you missed it, you can check is live quality better in Europe or USA? ). This directly impacts the lives of immigrants.

Life Quality in Europe vs USA: Who Wins in 2023?

The main reasons for the standard of living, as well as the reasons to immigrate to Europe are:

  • Job offer. One of the reasons why Europe encourages the arrival of immigrants is because of the need for labour, which reduces the incidence of unemployment.
  • Excellent quality of life and high purchasing power. Even if the immigrant only has the minimum conditions, the country still offers quality services and great possibilities.
  • Welcome. As countries are more open to immigrants, precisely because of the incentive, foreigners are generally very well received.


Obviously there are obstacles and challenges that foreigners in Europe face, such as housing, documentation, adaptation and cases of xenophobia, which can occur anywhere. However, these are the European countries that are most receptive to immigrants and efficient in trying to welcome them. A tip to reduce these issues is to know a little more about the customs and culture of the country where you want to go. Our article the biggest culture shock going to Europe in 2023 can help you with this.

Frequently Asked Question about Friendly and non-Friendly countries in Europe

  1. What are the best countries for immigrants in Europe?

    According to our internet research (link), the best countries for immigrants in Europe are Greece, Sweden, Ireland, Austria and Spain.

  2. What are the worst countries for immigrants in Europe?

    According to our internet research, the worst countries for immigrants in Europe are Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary and Croatia.

  3. Which European countries are in need of immigrants for population growth?

    According to an analysis by Population Europe, a demographic research center, migration is the biggest factor in population growth for European countries (QUARTZ). However, specific countries in need of immigrants for population growth are not specified in the provided article.

  4. What are the rules and regulations for immigration in European countries?

    The rules and regulations for immigration vary by country. It is recommended to check with the specific country’s consulate for information on their immigration policies and requirements.

  5. Are there any incentives or programs for immigrants in European countries?

    Incentives and programs for immigrants also vary by country. For example, Germany have the ‘Green Card’ for professionals. Portugal have the digital nomad visa. It is recommended to check with the specific country’s consulate for information on any available incentives or programs for immigrants.

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